A downloadable game for Windows

Reflashed Games FPS Beta is a beta/test world version of the soon to become Reflashed FPS game. This game is Beta and if you find bugs, please report them to the developer's email: fyremc18@gmail.com with screenshots and an explanation of what happened in the bug. 


W = Move forward

S = Move backword

A = Move left

D = Move right

ScrollWheelUp = Swap weapon

ScrollWheelDown = Swap weapon#

LeftClick = Fire weapon/grapple with grapple gun (grapple line a bit bugged and can't be rendered properly)


All credits to the Owner of Reflashed Games inc.


Reflashed Games FPS Beta Windows x86.zip 20 MB

Install instructions

Download the file by clicking the download button. You will be prompted to discard the file if on google, click the arrow next to discard and click keep (this file is 100% safe to use and has been checked for viruses).

Once fully downloaded, open file explorer, right click on the file, and click "extract files".

Once fully extracted, open the game folder (named Reflashed Games FPS Beta Windows x86), then open the x86 folder and  run the Reflashed FPS Test World.exe file. You will be told that the file may be harmful, click "more information" and click run.

Once the game loads, have fun with it and try not fall off, if struggling with how to download or install, contact the developer at fyremc18@gmail.com